Wednesday 15 January 2014

My Huge Achievement

Just recently my mam had a very bad fall and badly hurt the bottom of her spine. This one night she had ended up with only her t-shirt on crouched over her bed, and i could not get her of her bed. Suddenly a voice in my head just went of like some kind of army person telling me to get up ring the ambulance. I then started to get her entire medications together, her phone and nintendo ds, tobbacco, and stuff. So there i was watching my mam slowly coming out of what was a diabitic coma. I then had to go and clean a proper filthy flat with no help, see no of you people will get how i am solely dependent on her to solve my problems. So i then had my dog taken off me the tv broke not mentioning my several drug addictions anyways long story short im ok now my dogs back hes ok and my mams ok dunno why ive wrote this i suppose its the first ever time i have really felt proud oh well

Your Lovable Internet Geek Taylor James